It seems everyone has forgotten how to pickle and can things. Our generation is missing out on outstanding food.
I’ve been trying to find recipes that I loved as a kid. Here are two my Mom sent me that are from my Dad’s mother Dessie Johnson.
Today’s project is going to be making these recipes to see if I can make them taste like I remember.
I think the salt should be a tablespoon or even a teaspoon but NOT a cup
Hot Dill Pickles Dessie Johnson
Pinky size cucumbers (a lot)
1 quart vinegar
2 quarts water
1 cup coarse salt
Bring to a boil.
Pack tightly in jars:
1 whole banana
1 small (Pearl) onion
1 head fresh dill (or 1 teaspoon dried)
Pour biling mixture in packed jars to fill, seal jars.
Boil sealed jars 5 minutes
Lime Pickles Dessie Johnson
Prepare in crock, enamel or plastic Only.
7 pounds medium size cucumbers
2 cups slated lime (hydrated)
2 gallons water.
Pour salted water over cucumbers and let set 24 hours.
Rinse thouroughly in several changes of water.Let set in water 3 hours.
Mix together;
1 Tablespoon coarse salt
1 teaspoon mixed pickling spices
1 teaspoon celery salt
1 teaspoon whole cloves
2 quarts + 1 cup vinegar
5 pounds sugar
Pour over pickles and let stand over night.
Next day bring entire mixture to a boil
Simmer 40 minutes
Pack in hot jar and seal.
You need them set at least a week